Silver Restoration and Repair
I was apprenticed as an ecclesiastical silversmith and have many years experience of making pyx box, wafer boxes, pro crosses, crosiers, altar set, font bowls, chalice & ciboria as well as the more unusual items like viaticum, oil stocks etc. I have a great understanding of how things are made and this is essential when repairing antique or modern pieces of church metal work.
Sanctuary Lamp 2014

Flagon – Complete Repair

New Silver Chalice Specially Designed and Commissioned and Four Chalices Restored
Four restored chalices and one specially designed and commissioned large new chalice with spelt for pouring. If you need a New Silver Chalice designed and commissioned, or an old Chalice restored please contact Mark Munson now.

St Johns Cross to be Repaired
This St Johns cross came all the way from Bermuda to be repaired. Need a Cross commissioned? Contact Mark Munson now.

These there repaired for St. Paul’s cathedral

Mark Munson, Craftsman in Church Silver, Silver Plate and Brass Work. Call 07740 919 801 or email